Conflict Process for the Improv Community
Developed in conjunction with SEEDS staff. The Conflict Process was developed as a part of an Equity Action Plan to disrupt White Supremacy and to support cultivating an equitable environment. The Conflict Process is in support of core values and ensures that the improv community feels safe and free from harassment. It is intended to support leadership, staff, employees, company members, coaches, board members, guest artists, students and audience members. This process provides tools to uphold our community standards and the community accountable to one another. The Conflict Process is available on the website as a form of transparency and accountability to community members as well as the larger improv community. Other companies are welcomed and encouraged to provide feedback regarding the Conflict Process which will be reviewed and updated annually and to use this framework to develop their own conflict process. At the suggestion of the Transform Belonging founder this document has been shared, with other improv companies in support of shared learning, and feedback as a free resource available for other companies to use to create their own processes.
Please read the Conflict Process here.
Transform Belonging founder Lauren Lofton is a primary author of the original Conflict Process and complaint form published in December 2020. The process and complaint form may change over time as a part of the annual review process.