In the Press: Transform Belonging Founder Featured for 2021 DEIB Award
Transform Belonging founder Lauren Lofton is honored to share that they were the National Law Student Affairs Professionals (NALSAP) Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Award recipient for 2021 in recognition of their service in 2020-2021. Lauren called upon NALSAP to create affinity spaces, Black only spaces, to increase diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging understanding around gender diversity and LGBT+ community, and trauma informed practices including racialized trauma. The NALSAP board reviewed, approved, and implemented these initiatives. Lauren was one of many critical community members who worked on the creation of materials, climate surveys, and implementation of DEIB initiatives in the NALSAP space. Lauren also served as a conference speaker and educator for NALSAP utilizing “train the trainer” models to teach other student affairs professionals how to bring these practices to their campus communities.
Law Schools in the United States (nationwide - yes including those Ivy League ones) and in Canada select award recipients. NALSAP describes the award as follows:
NALSAP is committed to recognizing, in a meaningful way, members and allies [and accomplices] who have made outstanding contributions to the field of law student affairs. NALSAP invites nominations for annual awards including the DEI award for Respect and Commitment for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion [who] demonstrates a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion through advocacy or development of policies, programs, or strategic partnerships. The award is specifically in recognition of an individual who:
Is actively engaged in promoting equity, diversity and inclusivity in their school community;
Demonstrates an awareness of unconscious bias and the importance of cultural competency [and humility]
Demonstrates a commitment to identity and eliminate unfair bias, stereotypes and barriers to academic and professional success; and
Implements diversity-related programming to ensure that students graduate with the knowledge and skills necessary for a diverse society
After receiving this award, Lauren left higher education to follow their calling as a full-time restorative and transformative justice practitioner at a non-profit organization focused in this area, as well as founding Transform Belonging.